User Experience (UX) Portfolio


Decreased Admin Burden >50% & Increased Trainee Application >30% with Higher Ed Website Overhaul

Client: UCLA Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics

The UCLA Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics is a research group in the higher education and research sector that leverages its website to showcase its distinguished faculty, publicizes its program events, and outlines complex components of its NIH-funded training program.


Redesigned E-Commerce Website to Expand Customer Base

Client: Dragons Trading

Dragons Trading is a small business operating in the highly competitive toy industry and hoping to expand their customer base through their e-commerce website.


Retained & Increased Players with
Social Feature Integration

Proof of Concept

NookLink Bulletin Board is a social feature integrated into the Nintendo Switch Online mobile app that helps engage, retain, and increase Animal Crossing: New Horizons video game players in the years following the COVID-19 pandemic.


Reduced Mental Load Related to Gift-Giving via MVP

Proof of Concept

B²Gift is a utilitarian Minimum Viable Product (MVP) designed to assist users make informed decisions on what types of birthday gifts to give others.


Streamlined Travel Planning via Mobile-First Design

Proof of Concept

Calibrate is a digital solution that aims to help travelers create an itinerary balanced between activity and rest.